Being all settled in at our campsite in Clermont, we decided to do a little sightseeing. We've been to the Orlando area before and seen Walt Disney World, Seaworld and Universal Studios. Plus, they are so expensive these days to get in so we chose to go off the beaten path and see other things. We picked up a guide book on the area (free one of course) and plugged in an address to our GPS to see the
Monument of States in Kissimmee.

Originally built in 1943, it was given a face lift a few years ago. They also have a time capsule buried there that will be opened in 2043. I wonder what is in their and if I'll still be around when it is opened. It was interesting to see this 40 foot high monument built from stones furnished by tourists, govenors, a prime minister and a President of U.S. We also saw stones from other countries. Two blocks away was a beautiful lake with park benches on the shore line. So peaceful considering that just a few miles away is the largest human trap run by a mouse! On our way to the next stop we decided to stop at DQ for a mid-afternoon snack. Hey, life is dessert first! Right? Gotta love life. We then drove to N. Bass Rd in Kissimmee to see the Osceola County Historical Society & Pioneer Museum. While we could see it from the road, it was Monday and it was closed, so we couldn't get in. Oh well, we will see it another day. Rt 192 on Kissimmee is full of cheesy gift shops and we had to check one out, even if it was just for a few postcards to mail back home. We decided to head back to the campground because the sky was getting darker by the minute and the temperature was dropping rapidly. Little did know that there were tornado warnings in the area. We had a high of 85 degrees and by the time we got back to the motorhome, it was in the 60's. Better get long pants on, it was getting chilly. Sure enough, as we were getting home, so were the birds. This place is full of cranes and they just strut right through the campsites looking at you like they own the place. They kind of remind me of something out of Jurassic Park only smaller. I must say that when Shiloh and the cats see them...they don't like them. He goes crazy barking and the cats have even growled at them. Have you ever heard a cat growl? It sounds very mean. And that look in their eyes is downright frightening! You can view more pictures at
That's all for today. Thanks for travelling along with us on The Thomas' Trails...till next time.
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