Travel days for us usually start early, depending on how many miles we’re covering. Well, today we were traveling about 200 and I slept in! All these recent time changes has reeked havoc on my body. Well, at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

We finally left Pride RV Resort in Waynesville, NC and pointed our coach eastward then north to Mayberry Campground. While much of the fall foliage is past peak there were still magnificent views around every bend in the highway. Then came the signs. Not the “here’s your sign”, sign. No these signs would make most newbie RVer’s nervous. 6% grade ahead for four miles. 35 MPH speed limit for trucks down the other side of the Smoky Mountains. The smell of hot brakes as you near the bottom of the hill.

Run-away truck ramps, not one, not two, but THREE of them as we continued down the mountain. Oh, how I enjoyed the views as Lenny drove. Oh, how Lenny gripped the steering wheel as I oohed and ahhed! I-40 is a wonderful drive across NC, except for one section that was tooth rattling. Before we knew it we were heading north on 77 to our destination of Mt. Airy, NC. For those of you who may not know, Mt. Airy is the town that Mayberry, RFD is based on…The Andy Griffith Show. Now, I am much younger than my husband, He remembers The Andy Griffith Show, I don’t. It went off the air in 1968. In 1968 I was still a toddler, not even in school yet. But I will let you know that I was out of diapers.

It was almost 5 by the time we were in our sight and set up so off to dinner we went. A friend had recommended the Prime Sirloin Buffet up the road. Diners and workers were all dressed up for Halloween, so we told told them we were dressed up as RVers! LOL Anyway, after dinner we went for a drive through town. Tomorrow looks like a busy day, so much to see and do while we are here. It’s getting late and if I don’t get to bed, I will turn into a pumpkin, no pun intended. Thanks for traveling along with us on The Thomas’ Trails. Until next time…
Sunset in Mayberry |
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