Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today we got another late start, but it wasn’t because I slept in! It was because we are having a problem with our car. Yesterday when we got here and Len disconnected the car from the tow bar, it wouldn’t start. He thought maybe he left a light on, but this morning it wouldn’t start again. When we finally got it started, (thank God for jumpers) we went to the gas station, filled up and it took FIVE minutes to get it to turn over. It’s not the battery because the clock still works, the windows went up and down, etc. so we’re not sure what is going on, but will need to get it checked soon. After dropping off some mail at the post office, we walked over to The Snappy Lunch to enjoy their IMG_5610famous pork chop sandwich. I had mine all the way (chili, onions, coleslaw, tomato), Len just had chili on his. After lunch, Len went in to Floyd’s barber shop and got an $8 haircut. No offence, but Floyd needs to retire. IMG_5617Len was in that chair for an hour! I walked across the street to the wine shop, tried some different wines, found one I like. I am enjoying a glass as I write this blog. From there we went into Opie’s Candy Shop and then up the street to the Ice Cream Shop and had Ice Cream soda’s. It wasn’t busy so the owner sat down to talk with us. We told him how we live in our RV and travel. We continued to browse through the shops finishing up at the music shop owned by James Easter of the Easter Brothers. We enjoy Blue Grass and Southern Gospel and talked with him for a bit. Found out he and his brothers are performing at the campground this Saturday and they are having a southern bar-b-que, so we extended our stay here until Monday. That gives us plenty of time to see the rest of the sights and tour some more wineries. We walked back to the car and guess what??? Wrong! It actually started. Who knows what’s up with this engine! We drove over to the Andy Griffith Museum 
IMG_5634where they are doing construction on the sidewalks, so we walked down stairs, through an alley and then up stairs to enter through the back door. It was interesting, but no photography was allowed inside the museum, just in the lobby. Then we returned the same way and went to see the display on Eng and Chang Bunker, the Siamese twins whose descendants own this campground. It was a long afternoon and a lot of walking, but we enjoyed every minute of it. Look for more posts this week as we explore more of Mayberry and the surrounding area. Thanks for traveling along with us on The Thomas’ Trails. Until next time…


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