Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Balloons and Bagels

Me, Sandy & Donna
 We've had a busy couple of days. Saturday we drove to Altamonte Springs to visit an old high school friend, Sandy and her family. Donna and Pete were there as well with their son, Hunter. Sandy, Donna and I hadn't been together since high school and next year is our 30th reunion. We had a lot of fun and a lot of food. Sandy couldn't get to Donna's while we were staying there earlier this month because she raises cocker spaniels and was expecting a litter. Well, we got to see the puppies and they were so cute. I sent a picture to my daughter and right away she wanted one. To see her puppies, click here.
Sunday morning we slept in, if you call 7:30am sleeping in, which for us is late. We still have that internal alarm clock going off. Anyway, I heard a whooshing noise and wasn't sure what it was until we saw it. The most beautiful hot air balloon gracefully floating in the sky. Lenny quickly grabbed the camera, went outside and took some great pictures. There must have been about a dozen of them. They were so graceful and so close. We even exchanged "Good Mornings" with one.

Monday, after enjoying a Valentine's dinner of Bar-b-qued chicken, broccoli and rice we decided to go for a ride. We plugged in our GPS and searched for a Dairy Queen.  There was one a few miles down the highway, so off we went. We could not find it for anything and asking several people, we found out it had closed. They must have been tourists as well. You would think I could tell by their accents! What we did find was "A Roll With A Hole Bagels and Ice Cream" in Kissimmee. Yup, where DQ used to be. The funny thing was that they touted NEW JERSEY STYLE BAGELS! Well, everywhere I've been it's hard to find NY style pizza and bagels like they make back home. They were getting ready to close so all their bagel bins were empty. Being from NJ, I questioned the NJ style and the owner said they were from NJ. I wanted to see the bagels because if I looked at them, I would be able to tell if it was the real deal. The owner was nice enough to give us three to take home. Having them for breakfast this morning I can honestly say, I've found a place to get "real back home tasting" bagels. One thing I have missed has been my morning bagel, toasted with cream cheese. Well, for now, I don't have to miss it anymore. ;o)

To see more photos click here.Thanks for traveling along with us on The Thomas' Trails...till next time.

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